errr mind that broken link <a href=""> on-Collectors-Preston-Blair/dp/156010 0842</a>
im an animator for my website but still a loyal part of the newgrounds community hope to get some proper drawn animation work done
Age 31, Male
peterhead academy
Joined on 8/13/07
errr mind that broken link <a href=""> on-Collectors-Preston-Blair/dp/156010 0842</a>
thanks alot man i think i will because i do tend to have confidence crisis's with drawing very often so i probably should get more practise, i will see about getting that book because it could help me, means alot coming from you so thanks man :)
doesn't look much different. It might not seem it, but right now you should totally study up on either: A. Human Anatomy, or B. Cartoon Caricaturing
Or what I personally would recommend is Preston Blair's Cartoon Animation book: <a href=""> on-Collectors-Preston-Blair/dp/156010 084</a> 2
(delete the space between 4 and 2^ but i'm sure you knew that)